Adding custom fields into RegistrationForm web part
Following article shows how you can add new field (UserCity in our example) into 'User' system table and then allow user to enter value of this field when he is registering to the site using...
View ArticleRedirection to a certain page after authentication
When using log on web part, sometimes it is required to redirect the user to some specific page.
View ArticleUsing additional or custom logic during login process
This article explains how you can use custom logic during the login process of the visitor of your web site.
View ArticleHow to set up windows authentication for specific pages in Kentico CMS
It is also possible to secure only a certain section of your website using Windows authentication. In the following example, you will learn how to set the Products section of our sample Corporate site...
View ArticleUser password restriction to alphanumerical chars only
This article shows you how to restrict the user password only to characters and numbers.
View ArticleReporting visitor's IP address
This article shows how to get visitor's IP address and create a report of it.
View ArticleHow to redirect user to other location in according to the country he came...
This article describes how to redirect user to other location in according to the country he came from (recognized by his IP address).
View ArticleHow to allow users to have the same e-mail
If you wish for any reason to allow users to have the same e-mail you need to remove appropriate e-mail checking.
View ArticleCustom registration web part with full name field does not save the full name...
This article describes how to avoid incorrect saving of full name in Custom registration web part. If you use a Full name field in Alternative form this web part saves an incorrect value.
View ArticleAccess to particular part of the document's tree
This article describes procedure how to grand particular role (user) with access only to particular branch (part) of documents in content tree in CMSDesk. The same approach can be used also for live...
View ArticleAutomatic password reset after X months
Sometimes you may need to reset user’s password after certain period of time (e.g. 3 months). This article shows you how to do it.
View ArticleHow to add custom field to role (CMS_Role) table
This article shows you how you can modify the CMS_Role table and add a custom field.
View ArticleHow to hide MyDesk tab in CMSDesk according to role
This article shows how to hide MyDesk tab in CMSDesk according to current user´s role.
View ArticleHow to protect Kentico CMS against brutal-force attack
This article shows how protect Kentico CMS against brutal-force attack, or how to limit the number of attempted login before the account is locked.
View ArticleStoring and using information about latest user profile modification.
This article describes how to store timestamp of latest user profile modification (like signature or avatar change) and how you could use it later in the webparts and controls.
View ArticleHow to set site´s sections accessible per roles with possibility to create a...
This article describes how to set site´s sections accessible per role(s) with possibility to create a particular document type(s) inside role´s section. For example, site has several clubs (documents)...
View ArticleHow to redirect a user to a particular URL in case the user has a specific role
This article describes how to redirect a user to a particular URL in case the user has a specific role, after user log in using a LogonForm web part.
View ArticleAllowing Unicode characters in username
This article describes how to allow usernames (logins) with Unicode characters (like Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, etc.) in your Kentico CMS website.
View ArticleHow to Stay Authenticated while Switching among Second and Third Level Domain...
This article describes how to modify the login page to allow users stay authenticated between sites running on third and second level domains, assuming that all sites are running under one Kentico...
View ArticleHow to configure session and forms timeout in Kentico
This article describes how to change the web.config file and the Logon form web part to log out users automatically after configured period and a difference between session and forms timeout.
View ArticleWhat to check when being unable to login CMSDesk/CMSSiteManager interface.
This article describes how you can restore your access to the CMSDesk or CMSSiteManager interface if you lose or forgot your password.
View ArticleHow to restrict access to the CMS Desk for non-authenticated users
This article gives you instructions on how to restrict access to the CMS Desk (or to any other area within Kentico CMS) for non-authenticated users:
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